Go, Grow, Change the World

Helping you Grow with God & Go Anywhere

scenic view of a stone bridge, frame house and stone tower along the river in downtown Nuremberg, Germany

2 min read

3 Reasons to Do Your DTS in Nürnberg

If you are reading this, you are probably wondering...where is a Nürnberg and why is it spelled so strangely? And you're probably looking for a location to do a Discipleship Training School with YWAM but there are too many options. Here are 3...

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one guy is sitting on the shoulders of the other guy, a third guy wears sunglasses

1 min read

How to Pick a YWAM DTS: 5 Tips

With over 600 YWAM locations worldwide, it can be overwhelming to pick a DTS. Here are five steps to get you started.

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moving duo-tone pink/purple images of vans of aid in Ukraine with text overlay

2 min read

Ukraine Relief Updates - July 2022

“We were able to deliver medical supplies to the front lines, beyond where anyone else was willing to deliver much needed aid supplies. The reality...

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Дякую - Dankeschön - Thank you!

2 min read

Ukraine Relief: Phase 1 Report and Phase 2 Plans

June is approaching quickly and we want to send an update on what is happening with our Ukraine Relief work. Before we jump into giving you project...

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a crowd of young people singing in worship

2 min read

Is Worship Necessary for Missions?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably wondered if worship is necessary in missions. In my experience, the answer is simply, yes. Worship is...

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YWAMers and Ukrainians packing boxes of food aid to send to Ukraine

9 min read

Ukraine Relief Updates - Spring 2022

Life was changing very quickly for Ukraine and Europe in the early days of the Russia-Ukraine War. Here you will find a collection of updates we...

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Ukrainian flag

How To Pray for Ukraine: An Honest Conversation From Ukraine

The world seems more upside down today that it did yesterday. Who would have ever imagined that? Russia has invaded Ukraine and everyone and their...

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train, plane, car icons with text

Podcast: Missionaries on Trains

Missionaries on Trains is a series of conversation on actual trains with some incredible guests. People who are no different than you or me, but...

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a DTS team of six missionaries take a photo in Kenya

2 min read

3 Things to Look for When Deciding Where to do Your DTS

When it comes time to do a DTS, where should you go? What are the best YWAM bases? There are some great places to do a DTS…and some that are not so...

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a young YWAM missionary standing in the middle of a road in Kenya

2 min read

What is a YWAM DTS?

A Discipleship Training School, or DTS for short, is a six-month program that blends classroom learning with practical service and community living....

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3 YWAM missionaries serving in the neighborhood wearing green

1 min read

2021 Annual Report

So many people help make 2021 an incredible year! Thank You for your partnership in being part in sharing the Good news to those who have yet to...

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coins in a jar on a map

1 min read

3 Basic Fundraising Tools for Missions

One of the most unique and sometimes frustrating aspects about serving in full time missions is in the realm of finances. Often times, we refer to...

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YWAM missionaries standing near a river in rural Nepal while one person crosses the river

4 min read

Lifestyle of a Missionary

Who is a Missionary? Google it and you'll find that a missionary is a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity...

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