Go, Grow, Change the World

Helping you Grow with God & Go Anywhere

4 DTS students sitting on a bench, 3 are looking at a picture on one girl's phone

3 min read

The World Needs You: Why Your Story Matters

Ever feel like your story doesn’t matter? Like the world is too big and you’re just one person among billions? Let me tell you - Your story matters and to understand your unique contribution to this world is essential. Let's dive into the why,...

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3 DTS guys

2 min read

How to Pack for DTS

Packing is stressful, annoying, eternal, confusing, overwhelming (throw in whatever word comes to mind). But here’s the thing, IT DOESN’T NEED TO BE!...

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Men sitting outside a shop in Pakistan

4 min read

Inside the 10/40 Window: The Countries 3.4 Billion Unreached People Call Home

3.4 billion people around the world have never heard about Jesus and 97% of them are living in the 10/40 Window

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Joan of Arc and Noah standing in front of his ark.

3 min read

Noah and Joan of Ark Married?

The Bible is the main way God chooses to reveal His character and heart to humanity. It isn’t just a bestseller, an assurance that God’s word will...

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Gen Z friends in the city

1 min read

A Better Tomorrow? We’re on it!

Recently I heard that 75% of Gen Z believe our generation can (and will) change the world.1 Can you imagine what that change would look like if we...

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3 Discipleship students volunteering on the Polish-Ukrainian border

1 min read

Can I receive Kindergeld during a Discipleship Training School (DTS)?

Are you planning to do a Discipleship Training Schools program with YWAM (or something similar) and you and your parents are wondering what the...

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Germans in missions

1 min read

The World Needs German Missionaries

Germany, oh Germany what a beautiful gift you are. Home of fairytale castles, beautiful landscapes, and breads galore it might seem hard to pinpoint...

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people walking on a city street

4 min read

Treasure Hunt: A Seek and Find Outreach Tool

There are many ways to reach out to people with the love of God and share the Good News about Jesus. Treasure Hunts are one tool, one way to do this.

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Street Photography April 2017 in Tehran, Photographer: Evgeny Isaev

2 min read

How to Pray for Iran

Iran is a Middle Eastern country in Central Asia. It is one of the biggest Islamic countries in the world, with a 97.8% Muslim population.1 The...

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3 min read

Prayer Walking 101: Praying On Site With Insight

Prayer walking is a fantastic way to get to know a place and fall in love with its people. As Great Commission workers we are called to go and bring...

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A group of young men stand in front of camels in the town of Adale, Somalia.

2 min read

How to Pray for Somalia

Somalia is a nation in the Horn of Africa on the east coast of Africa. It has the longest coastline on the African mainland and beautiful beaches....

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new friends in DTS

1 min read

Leaving Everything for 6 Months: Can I Really Do This?

There are events that I’m gonna miss with my family and friends (even some of my friends’ weddings). Is it worth it? I mean I have a life back home....

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A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.

1 min read

Your “Yes” Can Change the World

“A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.” If you are a passionate Disney fan like me, you...

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