Go, Grow, Change the World

Helping you Grow with God & Go Anywhere


3 DTS guys

2 min read

How to Pack for DTS

Packing is stressful, annoying, eternal, confusing, overwhelming (throw in whatever word comes to mind). But here’s the thing, IT DOESN’T NEED TO BE!...

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3 Discipleship students volunteering on the Polish-Ukrainian border

1 min read

Can I receive Kindergeld during a Discipleship Training School (DTS)?

Are you planning to do a Discipleship Training Schools program with YWAM (or something similar) and you and your parents are wondering what the...

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Germans in missions

1 min read

The World Needs German Missionaries

Germany, oh Germany what a beautiful gift you are. Home of fairytale castles, beautiful landscapes, and breads galore it might seem hard to pinpoint...

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new friends in DTS

1 min read

Leaving Everything for 6 Months: Can I Really Do This?

There are events that I’m gonna miss with my family and friends (even some of my friends’ weddings). Is it worth it? I mean I have a life back home....

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DTS students hanging out in Nuremberg

2 min read

What Brought You to DTS?

DTS or Discipleship Training School is a 6-month discipleship program with an emphasis on getting to know God more and making Him known. What makes...

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DTS student in Nuremberg, Germany

2 min read

7 Tips for DTS Finances

DTS is an investment in your life. The cost of the entire Discipleship Training School (lecture and outreach phase) can be overwhelming at first...

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A missionary from Mexico in front of a world map

2 min read

Answering the Call: Why Being a Latino Missionary Matters

For many years in the past, Latin America was a place where thousands of missionaries from other countries invested their lives so that people would...

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DTS students saying goodbye to their parents at the airport

2 min read

Why DTS is Transformative for Your Child: Discover Purpose and Deepen Faith

As a parent, you want the best for your child — a future filled with purpose, growth, and a strong foundation of faith. A Discipleship Training...

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3 DTS students talking a selfie

3 min read

Deepen Your Faith & Expand Your Horizons with a Gap Year Program

Participating in a gap year program can be an incredible opportunity to strengthen your relationship with God and grow with Him. One of the most...

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A Jedi and his Padawan.

2 min read

Embracing Discipleship: Following Jesus in Everyday Life

Discipleship to Jesus is not just a theological concept confined to church walls; it's a legit lifestyle that we rock in every moment of our lives....

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scenic view of a stone bridge, frame house and stone tower along the river in downtown Nuremberg, Germany

2 min read

3 Reasons to Do Your DTS in Nürnberg

If you are reading this, you are probably wondering...where is a Nürnberg and why is it spelled so strangely? And you're probably looking for a...

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one guy is sitting on the shoulders of the other guy, a third guy wears sunglasses

1 min read

How to Pick a YWAM DTS: 5 Tips

With over 600 YWAM locations worldwide, it can be overwhelming to pick a DTS. Here are five steps to get you started.

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a DTS team of six missionaries take a photo in Kenya

2 min read

3 Things to Look for When Deciding Where to do Your DTS

When it comes time to do a DTS, where should you go? What are the best YWAM bases? There are some great places to do a DTS…and some that are not so...

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