Go, Grow, Change the World

Helping you Grow with God & Go Anywhere

Who is Gen Z?

1 min read

Who is Gen Z?

It seems like Gen Z is the topic of conversation nowadays. We want to know how to reach them, talk to them, sell to them, and recruit them… but who are they really? Gen Z, a post-millennial generation, is loosely defined as anyone born after 1995...

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Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walking out of the furnace

3 min read

Gen Z, Our Faith Will Stand the Fire

Gen Z, I believe we will be known by our faith and how we exhibit it: Bold and unashamed 🙌✨ What does faith look like? Where does it come from? In...

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A missionary from Mexico in front of a world map

2 min read

Answering the Call: Why Being a Latino Missionary Matters

For many years in the past, Latin America was a place where thousands of missionaries from other countries invested their lives so that people would...

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Jim and Judy Orred sitting at a table with another YWAMer

3 min read

3 Stages in Life: Observed in Reflecting on the Lives of Many

The journey of life is from being a son or daughter (arms lifted up to receive from others) to becoming a father or mother, who mainly reaches out to...

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DTS students saying goodbye to their parents at the airport

2 min read

Why DTS is Transformative for Your Child: Discover Purpose and Deepen Faith

As a parent, you want the best for your child — a future filled with purpose, growth, and a strong foundation of faith. A Discipleship Training...

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3 DTS students talking a selfie

3 min read

Deepen Your Faith & Expand Your Horizons with a Gap Year Program

Participating in a gap year program can be an incredible opportunity to strengthen your relationship with God and grow with Him. One of the most...

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A Jedi and his Padawan.

2 min read

Embracing Discipleship: Following Jesus in Everyday Life

Discipleship to Jesus is not just a theological concept confined to church walls; it's a legit lifestyle that we rock in every moment of our lives....

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YWAMers in Nepal

4 min read

Understanding the 10/40 Window: Reaching the Unreached

What Is the 10/40 Window? "The 10/40 Window represents a rectangular area on the globe between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude. It encompasses North...

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Flags of the world hanging over a street

2 min read

The Current State of Christian World Missions in 2023

How does missions look in 2023? Christianity is Growing across the Globe Christianity isn't a dying faith - it's growing all over the world! In...

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Smiling faces looking down at the camera

1 min read

2022 Annual Report

2022 was a year like no other. When COVID travel restrictions were relaxed, we planned a year full of international outreach! Then came the war in...

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a YWAM missionary sitting next to a man and talking about the Gospel

1 min read

How Can I Share the Gospel?

So, you want to share Jesus with your neighbors but you don't know how? Every Christian is called to share Jesus with their neighbors…whether you are...

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a Bible open to the book of Acts with a world map in the background

1 min read

What Denomination is YWAM?

… well, none. Youth With A Mission or YWAM is a global movements of christians from different denominational backgrounds with a goal to "know God,...

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5 YWAM missionaries take a selfie outside a van in Ukraine in 2022

2 min read

What Does YWAM Do?

Here in Nuremberg, YWAM does 3 things: 1. Make Missionaries 2. Make Disciples 3. Build Communities

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