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Why DTS is Transformative for Your Child: Discover Purpose and Deepen Faith

Why DTS is Transformative for Your Child: Discover Purpose and Deepen Faith

As a parent, you want the best for your child — a future filled with purpose, growth, and a strong foundation of faith. A Discipleship Training School (DTS) can offer young adults a transformative experience that goes beyond traditional education. Discover how DTS can shape your child’s character, worldview, and relationship with God, equipping them for a life of purpose, faith, and service.

Discover Purpose:

DTS is a dedicated season for young adults to explore their identity, passions, and purpose in life. Away from the distractions of their everyday lives, they can reflect and seek God’s guidance. Through intentional teaching and practical application, your child can gain clarity about their gifts and the unique role they can play in God's kingdom.

Intensive Discipleship:

DTS is an immersive environment, living, learning and serving together with a community of believers who are committed to seeking God together. Through focused times of worship, prayer and teachings, small group discussions, and one-on-one discipleship, DTS students encounter biblical truths, engage in spiritual disciplines, and develop a solid foundation of faith. The dedicated discipleship component of DTS provides a unique space for personal growth and maturity.

Cross-Cultural Experiences and Global Perspective:

DTS includes an outreach component that takes participants to different parts of the world. This cross-cultural exposure broadens students’ perspectives, challenging their worldview and expanding their understanding of God's diverse creation. Experiencing different cultures, languages, and lifestyles fosters empathy, cultural sensitivity, and a heart for global missions. Outreach equips young adults to navigate an interconnected world with respect and compassion.

Character Development and Leadership Skills:

DTS places a strong emphasis on character development and leadership skills. Through team dynamics, discipleship, and responsibilities within the program, DTS students will develop essential life skills such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and decision-making. These skills will benefit them in various areas of life, including education, career, and relationships.

Practical Service and Outreach:

Students have many opportunities throughout DTS to put their faith into action by serving communities in need, participating in mission trips, and engaging in local outreach initiatives. These experiences cultivate compassion, empathy, and a heart for serving others, shape character and instill lifelong values of love, mercy, and justice.

Community and Lifelong Friendships:

A significant aspect of DTS is the sense of community that forms among participants. Your child will have the opportunity to build deep, authentic relationships with like-minded peers who share a passion for God and His mission. The bonds formed during a DTS often last a lifetime, providing a support network and a source of encouragement and accountability even after the program ends. 

Discipleship Training School (DTS) can be a life-transforming journey for your child, equipping them with a deepened faith, a global perspective, and practical skills for serving others. As they engage in intensive discipleship, cross-cultural experiences, practical outreach, and personal discovery, they will emerge with a clearer sense of purpose and a solid foundation to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Consider the unique benefits a DTS can offer and prayerfully support your child as they embark on this transformative adventure of faith.


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