Go, Grow, Change the World

Helping you Grow with God & Go Anywhere

Spiritual Formations

4 DTS students sitting on a bench, 3 are looking at a picture on one girl's phone

3 min read

The World Needs You: Why Your Story Matters

Ever feel like your story doesn’t matter? Like the world is too big and you’re just one person among billions? Let me tell you - Your story matters...

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Joan of Arc and Noah standing in front of his ark.

3 min read

Noah and Joan of Ark Married?

The Bible is the main way God chooses to reveal His character and heart to humanity. It isn’t just a bestseller, an assurance that God’s word will...

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Gen Z friends in the city

1 min read

A Better Tomorrow? We’re on it!

Recently I heard that 75% of Gen Z believe our generation can (and will) change the world.1 Can you imagine what that change would look like if we...

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3 min read

Prayer Walking 101: Praying On Site With Insight

Prayer walking is a fantastic way to get to know a place and fall in love with its people. As Great Commission workers we are called to go and bring...

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A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.

1 min read

Your “Yes” Can Change the World

“A single grain of rice can tip the scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.” If you are a passionate Disney fan like me, you...

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Roberts, J.R. (2013). Biblical Cosmology: The Implications for Bible Translation. Journal of Translation. Retrieved from https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Biblical-Cosmology%3A-The-Implications-for-Bible-Roberts/63e1b44d3474477155cf534b3ee4c4f331f3e5f6

2 min read

Hebrew Worldview

The Bible is the foundation of our faith and the way God has chosen to show us what He is like. But why is it so confusing and weird sometimes? Well,...

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Students studying the Bible together

2 min read

Intro to Inductive Bible Study

The Bible is not just a collection of historical documents and a bestseller. It is the most significant way for Christian believers to learn about...

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Gen Z in the city at night

5 min read

The Urgency of Going

Before we can understand the urgency of going we have to know the actual reason why we are going.

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Women selling fabrics in Ethiopia

2 min read

How To Pray for the Nations

Praying is powerful, but intercession takes it up a notch. It's like being a voice for others when you talk to God. What’s the Difference Between...

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Gen Z at the mall at night

4 min read

Without Hesitation

One day, as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew. They were casting their net, for they were...

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praying hands

1 min read

Jesus, Teach Us To Pray

Prayer is a key discipline in your discipleship to Jesus. And while prayer is just a practice, I would boldly claim that without true prayer...

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Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walking out of the furnace

3 min read

Gen Z, Our Faith Will Stand the Fire

Gen Z, I believe we will be known by our faith and how we exhibit it: Bold and unashamed 🙌✨ What does faith look like? Where does it come from? In...

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A Jedi and his Padawan.

2 min read

Embracing Discipleship: Following Jesus in Everyday Life

Discipleship to Jesus is not just a theological concept confined to church walls; it's a legit lifestyle that we rock in every moment of our lives....

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