
A group of young men stand in front of camels in the town of Adale, Somalia.

2 min read

How to Pray for Somalia

Somalia is a nation in the Horn of Africa on the east coast of Africa. It has the longest coastline on the African mainland and beautiful beaches. But it's not a place you'd go on vacation, because the country has been in a civil war since 2009. A...

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YWAMers playing soccer with kids

3 min read

Why Footballers Make Great Missionaries

Footballers are great missionaries. A bold statement, which may sound a little strange or even crazy to you. You might be thinking to yourself:...

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Gen Z in the city at night

5 min read

The Urgency of Going

Before we can understand the urgency of going we have to know the actual reason why we are going.

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Gen Z at the mall at night

4 min read

Without Hesitation

One day, as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew. They were casting their net, for they were...

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a YWAM missionary sitting next to a man and talking about the Gospel

1 min read

How Can I Share the Gospel?

So, you want to share Jesus with your neighbors but you don't know how? Every Christian is called to share Jesus with their neighbors…whether you are...

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a young YWAM missionary standing in the middle of a road in Kenya

2 min read

What is a YWAM DTS?

A Discipleship Training School, or DTS for short, is a six-month program that blends classroom learning with practical service and community living....

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