Helping you find your calling, purpose, identity


Marlon Garay - _MG_3858

YWAM trains young people to discover and live out their calling anywhere








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Caleb's Story:

Worship Leader

“YWAM helped me grow in authenticity before God, in YWAM I learned the freedom that comes when submitting every sin and fear to Jesus and living honestly and authentically before God and others.

I grew in my passion and calling to worship and lead others to do the same, I learned to do this through teaching the Bible, through mentorship, and through corporate worship too.”


Step 1


Caleb did his DTS when he was 18. After DTS, YWAM helped launch him back into working at his home church for 4 years.


Step 2

YWAM Program Leader

4 years after his DTS, Caleb returned to YWAM and developed leadership, mentorship, and discipleship skills while leading training programs in YWAM.

Step 3

Worship Leader

Caleb now works full time at a church in the USA as a worship leader ministering in a missional context.


Timos' Story:

Missionary in Greece

“In YWAM, God showed me the plans that He has for my life. I knew that I wanted to live for something bigger and greater than simply the dreams that I had for my own life. I learned what dependency on God looks like and that I don’t need to be something special in order to partner with God, ultimately He just requires my availability!

At 21, God led me to re-pioneer YWAM Greece. Growing up in Greece, I never felt like I truly had a community that I belonged to and Greece was the last place I imagined being a missionary in. God gave me a heart to not just reach my own nation, but to also train and send Greeks abroad as missionaries.

YWAM helped me step into God’s dream to see a lasting transformation take place in Greece. I was able to build a team, grow in leadership, and have access to incredible network of YWAM resources to see YWAM in Greece re-pioneered.”


Step 1


Timos did his DTS when he was 21. During DTS, he prayed, "God, I’ll do anything, anywhere, any time. And God said, 'Greece.'"

Step 2

YWAM in Greece

After his DTS Timos returned to Thessaloniki to begin the re-pioneering work of YWAM in Greece.

Step 3


Now Timos is leading YWAM Greece “…but what I actually do is walk with people as they and I discover God’s heart."


Grace's Story:

Missionary in Germany

"During my time with YWAM, God confirmed my calling. Through the speakers and ministry opportunities in DTS, God gave me a vision to use music as a prophetic voice for healing, restoration, and revival for all nations.

Living in a cross-cultural community was full of moments of spiritual growth, enriching lessons, and practical opportunities each day to complement the many lectures we had. As one of the older students (24), God also began to give me a vision for discipleship and mentoring."


Step 1


After studying classical music and volunteering with World Relief, Grace did her DTS.


Step 2

Discover Calling

During her time in YWAM, God gave Grace a vision to use music as a prophetic voice for healing, restoration, and revival.

Step 3


Grace moved to Frankfurt and now works with local churches on mobilizing believers to welcome refugees. And she is part of a music ensemble that promotes integration for refugee communities.


Eden's Story:


"'What are you going to do with your life?'

We're all asked that question at the end of school. I used to think career, but through DTS I understood that the calling God has for each of us is bigger than the career path we take. 

God cares about what I do in a practical sense, but He cares more about having relationship with us. I became drawn to healthcare, particularly in caring for low socioeconomic and marginalised people groups.

My calling is to "love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind," no matter where I'm at in life. Today I am a paramedic, called to care for people: spirit, soul and mind."

eden - white bar

Step 1


Eden did DTS after high school, already knowing her passions and dreams but not yet knowing her calling. 

Step 2

Studying Paramedicine

Eden learned practical skills to be able to care for people through emergency healthcare.

Step 3


After gaining experience as a paramedic, Eden hopes to serve with YWAM Medical Ships. 

Your Story:

Discover your Calling

Hey DTS grads, do you have a story to share?
Shoot us a message we'd love
to hear what you're doing today!


Beth-Biri's Story:

House of the Creative One

This is a story of visions aligning.



beth biri - white bar

Step 1


It was arts and Jesus that individually brought each of them to DTS in Nuremberg in 2016/17.

Step 2

Move to Australia

The new team gave each other and God a loud YES and took the first big step of launching the vision (moving to Australia in 2018).

Step 3


The creative house has been open since 2020. Check out the latest on their Instagram.


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