
Hi. I’m Alta. As a child, when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I answered “missionary” and “writer”, with no idea of how the two could work together. Today I stand amazed at how God is using my creativity in his service. I have a Masters Degree in Drama and have been writing and directing original productions for more than 20 years. I have worked in South Africa, Germany, Greece, Uganda and the US. My focus is on training and equipping Artists who want to use their gifts in God’s Kingdom. I am also a qualified Life Coach.

dos misioneros de JUCUM haciendo fotos en una zona urbana

1 minutos de lectura

Por qué los artistas son grandes misioneros

A primera vista, puede parecer una combinación extraña. En muchas ocasiones he sentido que no encajo. Demasiado misionero para los artistas, demasiado artístico para los misioneros tradicionales, pero en JUCUM Núremberg encontré mi tribu. Y aquí me...

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